1.Spots of Light- Tokyo 7冊
A book of new works featuring all the images shown at Edward’s November 2019 solo exhibition with the same title at Olympus Gallery Tokyo. This is his first pinhole series done completely digitally. A4 size, soft cover, 72 pages, 68 black and white images, short texts in English and Japanese. Six color liquid toner printing process.
2.Silhouette Stories 3冊完売
This special still life shadow series was photographed in 2006 in Edward’s home/studio using natural window light and analogue pinhole cameras. These images also appear in book form for the first time. A5 size, soft cover, 40 pages, 32 black and white images, short texts in English and Japanese. Six color liquid toner printing process.
3.エドワード・レビンソン写真集 8冊
タイムスケープス・ジャパン: 針穴で撮る日本の原風景
Size: 250 mm (w) x 240 mm (h)、108 pages, 96 Photos, Duotone
Published by Nippon Camera Publishing Co.

4.『燃える風船 Balloon on Fire 』 3冊完売
Cyberwit.net. 出版 2019年9月、54句、写真20点、体裁:ソフトカバー A5版 60頁
5.Mind Games 2冊
This popular series of Edward’s first major pinhole works in color were exhibited in various venues in 2011-2012 is now in book form for the first time. B4 size, hard cover, 48 pages, 41 pinhole color collage images, short texts in English and Japanese. Six color liquid toner printing process.
6.Title: Moments in the Light 3冊
A5 size, soft cover, 48 pages, 37 black and white pinhole photographs, with short introductory text in English and Japanese. 
7.Title: “Whisper of the Land – Visions of Japan”. 2冊
Publication Date: Nov 2014. Published by Fine Line Press
A collection essays based on the story of my life in Japan covering 35 years published in English!